Black Knight: Sword of Rage — v2 Rule Cards


Replace your apron cards to make full use of the space for rules and scoring references.

Double Sided!: Comes with Intro and Advanced Version (2 cards total, 4 designs). Just flip it!

Mix and Match: I’ve designed the BKSOR cards so that you can choose intro or advanced side for either side while not seeming out of place.

Pro version left card focused on Pro version, no Prem/LE specific content.

Intro sides: Easier to read and content focused on introducing shots and starting modes.

Advanced: More content (Smaller font needed) for Jackpot progressions and mode progressions.

Standard Size: 140mm x 77mm (approx.)

QR code on second card that links to a dedicated Black Knight SOR Tactics page with links, strategy, and selected videos.

**New Shipping Deal**: All sales over $40usd get a free upgrade to Tracked Package.

Other shipping info: All orders under $40usd are untracked. If you wish to have tracked, expedited, or Xpress, there are options in Etsy, or you can msg me directly to pay for an upgrade ($10-50usd depending on location).

$16 USD (+$2.75 S&H ($4.75 International))

Note on image below: These are of v2.0 and have been updated since


(Showing on Pro machine. See stacked images for Prem/LE content differences.)
(Showing on Pro machine.)

Replace your apron cards to make full use of the space for rules and scoring references.

Double Sided!: Comes with Intro and Advanced Version (2 cards total, 4 designs). Just flip it!

Mix and Match: I’ve designed the BKSOR cards so that you can choose intro or advanced side for either side while not seeming out of place.

Prem/LE verison’s left card has info on Catapult Multiball and different Skill Shots.

Intro sides: Easier to read and content focused on introducing shots and starting modes.

Advanced: More content (Smaller font needed) for Jackpot progressions and mode progressions.

Standard Size: 140mm x 77mm (approx).

QR code on second card that links to a dedicated Black Knight SOR Tactics page with links, strategy, and selected videos.

**New Shipping Deal**: All sales over $40usd get a free upgrade to Tracked Package.

Other shipping info: All orders under $40usd are untracked. If you wish to have tracked, expedited, or Xpress, there are options in Etsy, or you can msg me directly to pay for an upgrade ($10-50usd depending on location).

$16 USD (+$2.75 S&H ($4.75 International))

Note on image below: These have been already updated with some wording and content changes. You will get the most up-to-date version of the cards.

Pro V2.1 on Pro Apron