GZ Pro (scroll down for Prem/LE)
Replace your apron cards to make full use of the space for rules and scoring references.
Double Sided!: Comes with Intro and Advanced Version (2 cards total, 4 designs). Just flip it!
Two different versions of the Kaiju Card (System-J exclusive) to take advantage of your underutilized second card slot.
Standard Size: 140mm x 77mm (approx.)
QR code on second card that links to a dedicated Godzilla Tactics page with links, strategy, and selected videos.
$16 USD (+$2.75 S&H ($4.75 International))
**Now shipping v2.3 with tweaks, brighter, and easier to read.**
v2.1 changes:
v2.2 changes:
-wording tweaks
-clearer font.
v2.3 changes:
-changed some smaller font to a more readable and slightly larger font on advanced side.
-added a line for “Mystery Award” on the Intro left side.
-added a bit more info on the right “Kaiju’ card on the intro version–especially for tier 1 monsters.
-cleaned up and emphasized some of the art on both sides on intro and advanced.
-added Super Jackpot info for GZMB and MGZMB on advanced side (important reference for getting to Monster Zero and Terror of MGZ).
GZ Prem/LE
NOTE FOR PREM/LE OWNERS: As I’m sure you’ve noticed, your apron has only one spot for a card. I’m still selling these in pairs in hopes that the second card will still be of use to you, even if you just pull it out once in a while for reference.
Prem/LE Version looks the same as the Pro cards with different text for the Mechagodzilla and ball lock info for GZ MB.
Two different versions of the left card allows you to choose how much info and references you prefer. Just flip it over.
Two different versions of the Kaiju Card (the 2nd card: useful for Kaiju battle reference and other tips).
QR code on second card that links to a dedicated Godzilla Tactics page with links, strategy, and selected videos.
Standard Size: 140mm x 77mm (approx.)
$16 USD (+$2.75 S&H ($4.75 International))
**Now shipping v2.3 with tweaks, brighter, and easier to read.**
v2.2 changes:
-wording tweaks
-clearer font.
v2.3 changes:
-changed some smaller font to a more readable and slightly larger font on advanced side.
-added a line for “Mystery Award” on the Intro left side.
-added a bit more info on the right “Kaiju’ card on the intro version–especially for tier 1 monsters.
-cleaned up and emphasized some of the art on both sides on intro and advanced.
-added Super Jackpot info for GZMB and MGZMB on advanced side (important reference for getting to Monster Zero and Terror of MGZ).
Additional Links:
Pinside Announcement page: