Tactics Page = A collection of links, strategies, and tips to help you master the game.
Table of Contents
Card Notes
Tutorial Videos
Strategy: Smart Missile
Pinsound Info
Pinball Archive (Seems to be the most detailed Rulesheet on DE JP; very well written, some strategy)
Bowen Kerins Guide on Gamespot (Rulesheet, Strategy, Tips, and Tournament Settings.)
Both the guides above have some tutorial info. There doesn’t seem to me a stand-alone tutorial guide for JP at this time.
Card Notes:
(Things I couldn’t fit on but wanted to and/or thing I wish I could’ve emphasized more):
Classic Side:
This side is very limited in rules info. I’ve tried to clarify and update the original B&W version that stern released around 2000. It was created with the beginner (to pinball or just this game) in mind who is often only interested in the most import rules to get points quickly.
Advanced Side:
SYJ-2025 Side:
ADV X.: This info didn’t make it on the cards. Lit from the right inlane then hit the left orbit through the pops (all the way to the top). Advances 1x, 3x, 6x then 9x.
Visitors Center: Another rule that didn’t make it on to the cards. The Visitor Center is the left orbit shot (described above in “ADV X”). It’s also used as the “H” shot (in CHAOS) but often can be qualified from just hitting the pops.
Raptor Pit: re: “Flashing Danger”: The flashing danger insert at the mouth of the Raptor Pit indicates that a ball-saver is active; the usual ball saver insert near the drain (the flashing Shoot Again insert) (, confusingly) does NOT flash when this ball saver is on. The Raptor Pit Ball-Save only activates when in single ball state. This includes the Raptor Rampage mode. Ball-save will NOT activate during any Multiball including the Raptor 2-ball.
Under Tri-Ball: “1-3-5-99 hits/TriBall”: This is how many hit to the Raptor Pit are needed before the Tri-Ball starts. 1 time is need on the 1st Tri-ball, 3 times on the second time lighting Tri-ball to start it. The T-Rex is ALWAYS one hit to start no matter how many times you light Tri-Ball.
Ball Save “No Grace Period”: Data East games of this period had no grace period after the Smart Missile insert (just above the Shoot Again insert) stops flashing. Therefore the ball will need to hit the switch in the trough WHILE the insert (either ‘shoot again’ or ‘danger’ (from Raptor Pit)) IS FLASHING for your ball to be saved.
This goes for pretty much everything in the game: NO GRACE PERIOD.
Right “Control Features” Card:
Raptor Rampage: On older codes (before v6.0 (Chad ver.)), hit to the Raptor Pit also add time. Also, the Smart Missile will spot one hit to the R. Pit but will NOT end the mode.
Raptor 2-Ball:
Some guides have the ball save at 10 seconds. I personally find that you are lucky to even get one ball save if you drain immediately after starting the 2-ball. So I’ve reduced the number to 5 to denote that it’s a very short ball-save. And of course, expect no grace period on Jurassic Park.
System-J ‘Then Hit’ arrow.

On the System-J cards, this arrow, when between wording is used to denote “, then hit”.
Eg. Hit lit shot (, then hit) right ramp.
Most JP score cards, both original and custom, refer to “Dual Jackpots”. This is a leftover from when the game was first released; they changed these original ruleset which makes this term confusing.
What still applies though is that whenever you see this term, it is referring to the Ramp (right side with the gate) and the Helicopter Loop (just below the T-Rex saucer; hit from the top right flipper) shot.
Originally you must have needed to hit these 2 shots when in Tri-Ball to light CHAOS letters, hence ‘hit the Dual Jackpots’. This was (thankfully) changed where you only need to hit one of your choice.
You eventually need to hit both still, but not until the last phase of the 6-Ball where both are lit for a very high value.
I’ve kept the term on the Classic side to try and keep the original feel, but I have updated the correct info.
Unofficial v6.0 Code (aka “Chad v6.0 code”)
(and some differences with the Pinball Archive guide).
The 6.0 Code seems to be the defacto ROM update for Data East Jurassic Park. Soren Chad made some minor bug fixes, added some randomness to the the launch video skill-shot, and made some needed score balancing. With this rom there is no glaring exploits.
The best guide on JP, imo, is the Pinball Archive, the first link in this guide. But he (?-whoever ‘he’ is), must’ve written this before the 5.13 was the go-to ROM. Here are some updates to his guide with taking the Chad code into account:
Escape Nublar: Smart Missile value: 41 million max to 21 million (if you hit the missile at 1million on the DMD).
Raptor Rampage: A Raptor Pit hit doesn’t add time. The Smart Missile ma……MORE INFO NEEDED
Tri-Ball Start: The T-Rex stays the same, it always takes one hit to start Tri-Ball. But the Raptor Pit is a bit different:
1st: 1 hit
2nd: 3 hits
3rd: 5 hits
4th: 99 hits!
Egg/Captive Ball: A Egg hit will spot a Dino target as well as points and working towards Super Egg Mania and (maybe?) light Extra Ball.
For more info on the Unoffical v6.0 JP code see here: https://www.pinballcode.com/jp6
Strategy: Smart Missile
Knowing when to use the Smart Missile (SM) is quite important in JP. Depending on the state of the game it can be used to:
– Light Tri-Ball
– Start a Multiball (including acting as a Ball-Save)
– Wrack up a bunch of points from started modes (Computer Room Features).
If you use the SM to start Raptor 2-Ball (very useful as a ball-saver), it doesn’t seem to spot all the Dino Targets as well. For instance: If you have 2 modes started, Electric Fences and Raptor 2-Ball, the SM will give you 30 Million for Fences and start the Raptor 2-Ball.
Strategy: Computer Room Features (Modes)
Strategy: Tri-Ball
-First Jackpot: Loop is worth double the ramp value. Loop: ~32, Ramp: ~16M
Technical (non-gameplay) Tips
T-Rex Diagnostics Bypass:
You can bypass the diagnostic T-Rex test on power-on by holding the trigger. (Especially handy if your T-Rex left-right motor is flakey and you had to reset the cpu or replace the batteries. Then you can change the settings before the T-Rex gets stuck in a position).
Resetting the Game, Mid-Game:
On the Chad (v6.0) code, Jurassic Park can be reset by holding the left flipper button and then the start button. It seems to only work when in gameplay and not during the bonus count. This also starts a new game.
Videos: Tutorials
More to Come…
Videos: Gameplay
Newbie Strategy
Extra Videos
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