About System-J


Hello! ….. Hellooooo!

Uncle Leo Multiball?

System-J is based out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Home of great locations such as Cabin Fever, Maple Pinball, Bluffs Pinball and AntiSocial Pinball Lounge. I mention these locations because they are integral to me understanding the games so I can even make the cards. Support your local (bar)’cade!

(lots more info coming… this page is severely UNDER CONSTRUCTION …like I probably should’ve posted it yet…but here it is.)

(the below is currently on the main page, so if it sounds familiar, you may have already read it).

Although my main motive is to have more info, and specifically more useful rules information, I take great care in matching the card style and colours to compliment the apron and art style of your game.

Pinball machines have become more and more rule-intensive as they’ve evolved. Even games like TMNT, which many people believe to be light on rules, have many details in the rules that are difficult to recall. Not only will knowing what these factors do improve your results, it will also help you appreciate the games and the complexity that their creators placed into them.

My TMNT cards came out of frustration of forgetting what each Pizza toppings does and found my memory failed me at the worst time. I now know all the toppings by heart through repetition of using the cards as reference.

I began by offering a free online version of my score cards; as I used them myself and listened to suggestions and requests from players who use them. In the process I ended up making 16 different cards!: 8 different options for each Pro and Prem/LE. To make it simpler for you to choose, I’ve condensed these into 3 options each for each TMNT game (Pro or Prem/LE) by making the standard sizes double sided.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

TMNT 2023 Rule Cards
-Prem/LE and Pro versions.
-Double sided with “Intro” and “Advanced” on all standard sized cards.
-XL versions available (see right image).

TMNT Score Cards: XL-sized “Mean” (intermediate) Version (showing v1.1) on Premium Apron >

Score Cards should offer info to help you increase your score. My cards value usefulness as much as attractiveness. They can seem busy, but I’ve done my best to break up the information into sections for easy reference (No more going through every line of text to find out how to start the multiball). For me though these came about from a frustration of forgetting what a particular TMNT topping does. It since has ballooned into a project where I’m trying to take many player levels into account to help them score more. For the beginner, they can quickly find out how to start a multiball and how to re-light them. For the intermediate, they can find out where to look if the 2X playfield is running and if it’s running out. For the advanced, you have specific perk affiliations and other listed information for quick reference.