Tag: ninja

  • First look at TMNT V1.1 custom rule cards.

  • TMNT Cards: Mean (Intermediate) vs Advanced

    AN Explanation of the 2 different side of the custom TMNT score cards TMNT Pro “Mean” Side TMNT Prem/LE: Advance Side

  • TMNT Tactics Page.

    Legend LinksJackpot Shots*Updated* Intro to Pizza ToppingsTMNT: A great game to practice pinball skills onCard Noted and InfoVideos: Tutorials*New* Videos: System-J Tutorials Strategy: OctopusStrategy: Notes on Hurry UpsStrategy: Choosing a TurtleStrategy: Choosing a Turtle Based on your Starting Toppings (Toppings Strategy)Strategy: Ranking the ToppingsStrategy: Episode GradesExploit: SuperFlyStrategy: Tournament (in Standard Mode)Strategy: Tournament (in Competition Mode)…